Thursday, 10 January 2013

Playground Under Jakarta Flyovers

Sekelompok desainer di Jakarta bermufakat membuat sejumlah  tempat bermain untuk anak-anak di kolong jembatan layang. Apakah ini tindakan ilegal?

Dari perspektif hukum memang sudah pasti jawabannya ya, namun dalam pandangan moral dan kemanusiaan jelas tidak sama sekali!

Dari laporan DPP Asosiasi Pengembang Perumahan dan Pemukiman Seluruh Indonesia (Apersi) pada 2012,  masyarakat Jakarta yang berpenghasilan rendah menduduki peringkat kedua dari seluruh provinsi di Indonesia yang tidak memiliki rumah. Jumlahnya sekitar 5 juta jiwa.

Peringkat pertama dipegang oleh Jawa Barat, sementara yang ketiga disandang Jawa Timur. Kebanyakan masyarakat berpenghasilan rendah di Jakarta tinggal dengan menyewa rumah atau mengontrak. Yang lainnya, harus menerima nasib hidup di area tidak layak, seperti kolong jembatan dan kawasan kumuh.

Mereka tidak sanggup membeli rumah susun. Daya belinya belum sampai. Di sisi lain, kalah bersaing dengan pembeli yang tujuannya investasi dengan “mengakali” peraturan perundangan pemerintah daerah.

Dari kenyataan tersebut, bagaimana kita berharap anak-anak bisa tumbuh sehat jiwa dan raganya apabila melalui masa kecilnya tinggal  di kolong jembatan?

Dari sanalah peran seni dan desain begitu penting untuk tidak sekedar eksis karena dikatakan artistik, namun sikap untuk berpihak dengan mengedepankan fungsi kemanusiaan bagi khalayak yang tak mampu.

Pada kasus ini, memberi tempat bermain berarti memberi kesempatan anak-anak di bawah kolong jembatan hidup lebih wajar. Bukankah, masa kanak-kanak adalah masa bermain dan bersenang-senang?

Pada akhir 2011, selama berbulan-bulan, para desainer yang menamakan dirinya kelompok Ambitexts: Jogjakarta Designer Consortium's  itu mengadakan riset dan berdiskusi dengan tim Kurator.

Mereka akhirnya membangun tempat bermain di tiga titik di bawah jembatan layang di lokasi yang berbeda di Jakarta, dimana banyak anak kecil dan orang tuanya atau keluarganya tinggal di bawah kolong jembatan.

Karya yang disebut BakDang (Jebakan Kandang) tersebut kemudian  menjadi bagian penting dari pergelaran out door zona seni publik di acara Jakarta Biennale#14, 2011 lalu.

A group of designers in Jakarta have agreed to create a playground for children under the flyover. Is this breaking the law?

From a legal perspective, surely the answer is yes, but in the view of humanity and morality is clearly not at all!

According to a report from the central bureau of  the Association of Indonesian Housing and Developers (Apersi) in 2012 approximately 5 million low-income people in Jakarta have no home.

Jakarta was ranked second of all provinces in Indonesia where people do not have homes. The first rank is held by the province of West Java, while the third carried the province of East Java.

Most low-income people in Jakarta living by renting houses. The others have to accept the fate of living in uninhabitable areas such as under flyovers and slums.

They can not afford to buy a flat. The purchasing power is still low. On the other hand, they are not able to compete with the buyer who has a goal to the investment and violate local laws.

From these facts, how could we expect children to grow both body and soul will be healthier if through their childhoods living under a flyover?

From the last point, the role of art and design is so important to not just exist because it says artistic. But it also is an attitude we are to stand for the function of art to humanity.

In this case, providing a place to play means allowing children to live under a bridge with a more feasible. People say that childhood is a time to play and have fun and they have the right to get it.

At the end of 2011, for months before, the designers who call themselves the Ambitexts: Jogjakarta Designer Consortium's researching and discussing with the team of curators.

They eventually built a playground under an overpass in three-point of different locations in Jakarta, where many children and their parents or their family living under a bridge.

The artwork is called BakDang-Jebak Kandang (The Cage of trap) was then an important part of out door zones of public art in the Jakarta Biennale # 14, 2011.

             Ambitexts: Jogjakarta Designers Consortium's
             Jakarta Biennale#14, 2011

Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Jl.Tikus or Rat Alley in Jakarta

Jakarta diperkirakan para ahli lalu-lintas pada 2014 mungkin akan mengalami tahun terburuk menyoal kemacetan. Sama dengan kota-kota dunia yang masuk pada daftar “10 monster of traffic jams from around the world” versi BBC.

Kota-kota tersebut adalah Sao Paulo-Brazil, Bangkok-Thailand, Nairobi-Kenya, Manila-Philippines, Mumbai-India, Kampala-Uganda, Lexington, Kentucky-US, Austin, Texas-US, Seoul-South Korea, Dhaka-Bangladesh, Megeve - French Alps.

Anda bisa memaklumi jika 2014 terjadi titik jenuh kemacetan di Jakarta. Bayangkan, pertumbuhan jumlah kendaraan bermotor benar-benar tidak terkendali. Ada sekitar ± 8  juta unit kendaraan bermotor di Jakarta yang terdiri dari kendaraan pribadi sebanyak 98%  & angkutan umum hanya 2%. Pertumbuhan Mobil pribadi ± 250 unit/hari & Sepeda Motor ± 1000 unit/hari.

Jalan Tikus, gang tikus atau jalan alternatif yang biasanya kecil, dan terdapat ditengah-tengah wilayah kampung di kota Jakarta,  mungkin salah satu alternatif tercepat untuk sedikit “mengurai” kemacetan. Terutama bagi pengguna kendaraan sepeda motor.

Selain itu, tentu pemerintah Jakarta dan masyarakat musti berbenah diri dengan memperbaiki kualitas sistem transportasi massal dan berperilaku berkendara yang tertib. Ada satu PR bagi pemerintah, yakni secara resmi mengajak masyarakat kampung ditengah-tengah kota untuk ikut berpartisipasi secara langsung menyelesaikan persoalan kemacetan.

Hanya dengan kesadaran bersama akan menggerakkan pembenahan informasi tentang jalan tikus. Setidaknya pengguna jalan mendapatkan informasi lebih baik, sementara tidak pula  memberatkan masyarakat kampung.

Kemudian satu hal lagi, kapankah para pekerja kreatif dan para seniman segera berperan aktif dengan kekuatan mandiri di lingkungan kampung masing-masing? Membuat tanda-tanda lalu-lintas untuk informasi jalan tikus?

Jakarta has been predicted by traffic experts in 2014 may be having the worst year related to the problem of congestion.

It was similar to what happens in the cities of the world are included on the list of "10 monster of traffic jams from around the world" by BBC version.

These cities are Sao Paulo, Brazil, Bangkok, Thailand, Nairobi, Kenya, Manila, Philippines, Mumbai, India, Kampala, Uganda, Lexington, Kentucky, US, Austin, Texas, U.S, Seoul, South Korea, Dhaka, Bangladesh and Megeve, French Alps.

You can immediately understand in 2014 will be the peak of traffic congestion in Jakarta because the actual growth in the number of vehicles can not be controlled.

There are approximately ± 8 million units of vehicles in Jakarta consisting of as many as 98% of private vehicles and public transport is only 2%. The growth of private cars ± 250 units / day & motorcycles ± 1000 units / day.

Jl.Tikus (jalan tikus) or rat alley or “emergency road” were typically small and often located in the middle area of ​​the kampoong in the city. Maybe rat alley is one of the fastest alternative for at least " unravel congestion" in Jakarta, especially for users of motorcycles.

In the meantime, of course, the Jakarta government and road users should work together. The government immediately improve the quality of mass transit systems and people start driving properly in accordance with traffic regulations.

There is one more homework for the government which is formally they should invite the kampoong communities in the middle of the city to participate directly resolve the congestion problem.

Regarding rat alley, only by mutual consent will also move the distribution of information about the location where the rat alley can be accessed by road users. In this case, as long as not to burden  the kampoong comunities.

Finnaly, there is one thing that is still in our minds, when it's time for creative workers and artists will voluntary work on kampoong nearby to make traffic signs in providing information about the rat alley?

rat alley in kampoong 1

rat alley in kampoong 2

rat alley in kampoong 3

rat alley in kampoong 4                                                                                                                           
    concept design of  (jalan tikus) lewat sokin, bos by Selo Riesmulyadi

Economic and Investment Advisor to the Ministry of Public Works Setiabudi Albamar