Tuesday 16 October 2012

JR and street art project in Kenya to Tunisia

“I would like to bring art to improbable places, create projects so huge with the community that they are forced to ask themselves questions.” – JRBeaux Arts Magazine
photo courtesy: 

JR adalah perupa street art berasal dari Perancis yang mungkin  "paling edan" saat ini di seluruh penjuru jagad. Ia dengan ciri khas ala seniman jalanan menghindari nama asli dan identitas diri dari publisitas. JR penerima penghargaan TED prize, karena ulah karya seninya. 

Memaksa para juri takjub dan menyerahkan hadiah 1 juta dollar padanya karena proyek di daerah kumuh dan miskin, wilayah bekas perang/ revolusi rakyat, distrik rawan kekerasan di negara-negara berkembang dari Kenya sampai Tunisia.

JR menciptakan seni secara bersama, menggerakkan warga lokal dan membuat bangga atas identitas wilayahnya dengan foto-foto diri mereka (masyarakat sekitar lokasi karya tersebut), berupa poster-poster ukuran raksasa paste up.

JR is a street artist from France. In the unique manner of street artists, he gave up his real name and conceals his identity from publicity. He received TED Prize thanks to his artistic ‘mischief’.

He ‘forced’ the judges to be awed and to reward him with a 1 million dollar prize for his projects in slums, former war zones/centers of people’s revolution and JR created arts collectively. He empowers local people and makes them proud of their community identity by turning their self-portraits into giant paste up posters. 


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