Thursday 4 October 2012

Kampoong Art Attack Project by Jakarta Art Movement (JAM)

Design Courtesy by JAM

Proyek seni  Kampoong Art Attack  dengan fokus seni aktivisme dari Jakarta Art Movement (JAM) beritikad untuk setidaknya meredusir problem sosial yang menghimpit. Dengan membuka kesempatan, mencipta ruang mediasi dan semangat saling ajar-mengajar lewat kerja seni di kampung-kampung Jakarta. 

Mengembalikan kebanggaan atas identitas wilayah dan individu dengan saling dukung, mempercayai antar warga. Aktifitas artistik dipercaya sebagai sebuah media untuk berbagi dan peduli, serta yang paling penting: membantu mengembalikan harga diri,  memprovokasi kemandirian dan kesetaraan dengan menimbang potensi yang ada dalam masyarakat kampung.

 JAM menghadirkan komunitas-komunitas seni yang berinteraksi langsung, tumbuh/ berakar di wilayahnya atau dari luar, dengan melakukan riset mendalam dan beraktifitas bersama-sama warga kampung.  

Mereka bekerjasama dengan berbagai pihak seperti LSM, organisasi kepemudaan, lembaga pendidikan seni, ahli tata kota, arsitek, sosiolog dan psikolog, individu-individu yang konsern dengan nasib kampung bahkan ulama serta komunitas partisipan dari luar negeri ditantang untuk terjun bersama dalam sebuah jadwal dan agenda kegiatan yang saling berkesinambungan. 

Kampoong Art Attack project, which focuses on art activism by Jakarta Art Movement (JAM), intends to at least reduce pressing social problems by opening opportunities, creating a room for mediation and enlivening the spirit ‘to teach each other’ through artworks. 

It also aims to revitalize the pride for communal and individual identity by sharing and caring, and most importantly: to help bring back self esteem, to provoke independence and equality by assessing the potentials within the people of the kampoongs.

JAM introduces art communities that directly interact with, grow and root in their own territories or from the outside, by conducting in-depth researches and activities with the kampoong people. They work independently or by coalition with non-governmental organizations, youth organizations, art educational institutions, urban planning experts, architects, sociologists, psychologists, even religious figures and foreign communities. All of them are challenged to participate in a schedule and agenda of activities that sustain each other.

Photos below is examples of artworks and art activities made by independent art community in Jakarta and they will be make a joint cooperation with JAM on the art project of Kampoong Art Attack 2012-2013:

Atap Alis art community celebrating their 6th anniversary with the mural kampoong painting
photo courtesy: Atap Alis community

Kids workshop by Begoendal Art Community in Kampoong - Gang Festival, Jagakarsa, South Jakarta
photo courtesy:

Artworks by Jakarta’s art community Atap Alis who made their creative works in a slum, Kampung Rambutan, Ciracas, East Jakarta.Photos above show the community’s works, such as dolls made of recycled non-organic wastes, exhibited at National Gallery of Indonesia in 2011
photo courtesy: Atap Alis community 

WPAP art community take action on the event of Jakarta Biennale #14, 2011
photo courtesy: WPAP community

WPAP art community held a workshop at Ayodya park, South Jakarta
photo courtesy: WPAP community 

Serrum art community participated on human right awareness movement at the end of 2011 in Jakarta ( photo above shows some of the artists who joined in Serrum art community is working on a large painting portrait of one of the famous figures of Indonesian human rights fighters, Munir )
photo courtesy:

Serrum art community with their street artworks on wall in 2011
photo courtesy:

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