Tuesday 9 October 2012

Son Bata: Hope for Colombia Slum

Members of the Colombian music group Son Bata, including founder John Jaime Sanches (bottom right). 
photo courtesy: http://www.npr.org

Tentang Son Bata dan Proyek Seninya di "Kampoong Kumuh" 

Son Bata tumbuh di wilayah kumuh di kota Medellin, Colombia  dan rentan kekerasan yang berakibat kematian rata-rata  9 orang perhari pada 2009. Hari ini wilayah Medellin telah berubah. Ada sebuah harapan dari mimpi seorang anak muda yang mendirikan komunitas Son Bata, John Jaime Sanchez“keamanan tidak akan dibangun oleh polisi, tapi lewat proyek komunitas”. 

Komunitas ini berhasil menginisiasi organizer yang menyelenggarakan Petronio Alvarez Festival, selain mendapatkan pengghargaan dengan memenangkan Premio Shock (Shock Awards) pada festival hip hop nasional. Musiknya percampuran AfroColombian Chirimia dengan hip hop.

Di komunitasnya mereka membuat studio musik, workshop tari dan sekolah musikal, presentasi khusus untuk para donatur dan membuat event-event lain dengan identitas komunitas budaya Afro-Colombian. Mereka memiliki kantor dan pusat budaya yang terhubung dengan bantuan sponsor dari seluruh dunia. 

Dedikasi mereka yang tinggi terhadap musik, selain mendapatkan penghargaan nasional dan internasional,  juga menggiringnya tampil bersama dengan kelompok terkenal hip hop dunia: Red Hot Chilli Pepper.

About Son Bata and Their Art Project

Son Bata grew in a slum in Medellin, Colombia, an area so prone to violence that it’s estimated that there are 9 people killed per day. The young man who founded Son Bata community, John Jaime Sanchez, has an aspiration: “security is not going to be built by the police, but through community projects.” 

This community succeeded in winning over the organizer who holds Petronio Alvarez Festival, as well as winning Premio Shock (Shock Awards) at the national hip hop festival. Their music is a mix of Afro-Colombian Chirimia with hip hop. Within the community, they built a music studio, dance workshop and music school. They perform special presentations for the donators and hold other events to promote the community identity of Afro-Colombian culture. 

They have an interconnected office and cultural centre with the help of sponsors from all over the world. They are highly dedicated to music. Besides gaining national and international awards, they have also performed with a world famous rock/hip hop band, Red Hot Chili Peppers.

the most dangerous and violent slums of Medellin for more than a decade. photo courtesy: ronalddehommel.photoshelter.com

the view of Slum in Medellin
photo courtesy: picasaweb.google.com

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