HONF received in 2011 the Transmediale Award for their installation Intelligent Bacteria. Transmediale is an international festival for art and digital culture that pursues the development of artistic projects reflecting on the socio-cultural, political and creative impact of new technologies. Intelligent Bacteria - Saccharomyces cerevisiae responds to the high number of deaths in Indonesia due to alcohol consumption. Through acoustic and performance installation this project seeks to draw attention to such a pressing social and cultural issue.
photo courtesy: http://culture360.org |
The founder of HONF photo courtesy: http://www.youngart.ru |
The House Of Natural Fiber (HONF) merupakan sebuah laboratorium media-art yang dijalankan oleh komunitas yang bersifat terbuka di Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Metodologi kerjanya sebagian besar terkait dengan kebutuhan lintas-tindakan kolaboratif yang merespon perkembangan teknologi dan praksis penggunaannya dalam kehidupan keseharian.
Awalnya, mereka memulai eksistensinya sebagai sebuah komunitas berusia muda yang ingin melakukan apa saja yang memang ingin dikerjakan, dengan kecenderungan semangat kebersamaan yag alamiah dan tidak bekerja untuk keuntungan pribadi. Mereka kemudian berkonsentrasi pada prinsip-prinsip kritik dan penciptaan inovatif yang lebih relevan bagi mereka sendiri, keluarga dan masyarakat.
Berpikir ke depan secara positif dan kreatif-adalah visi HONF, yang diimplementasikan dengan bekerja terhadap pengembangan seni, ilmu pengetahuan, dan teknologi bagi masyarakat. Berbekal visi tersebut, HONF memulai Program Pendidikan Focus (EFP), kurikulum yang menjadi pedoman untuk kegiatan HONF, dan sebagai respons terhadap situasi global sekaligus kondisi di Indonesia.
EFP berkonsentrasi pada pertukaran pengetahuan interdisipliner dengan menganalisa secara kritis isu-isu lokal dan global, dan menciptakan ide-ide inovatif untuk mencari solusi terhadap mereka. Untuk mempercepat dampak, acara seperti Cellsbutton, Yogyakarta International Media Art Festival, dan YIVF, Yogyakarta International Videowork Festival, yang diselenggarakan setiap tahun mengajak masyarakat lokal dan internasional untuk berkolaborasi dan memperluas kemungkinan baru dalam praktek-praktek inovatif dan kreatif.
The House Of Natural Fiber (HONF) is a media-art laboratory run by an open community in Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Their methodology is mostly concerned with the needs of cross-collaborative actions responding to technology development and practical use in daily life. In the beginning, they started off as a young community that wanted to do whatever they wished, with a natural inclination to create with a spirit of togetherness and not work simply for personal profit. They concentrate on principles of critique and innovative creation that is relevant to them, their family, the society, and to their environment.
Thinking forward—positively and creatively—is HONF’s vision, which is implemented by working towards the development of art, science, and technology for society. With this vision, HONF initiated Education Focus Program (EFP), a curriculum that acts as a guideline for HONF activities, and is in response to global situations and conditions in Indonesia. EFP concentrates on interdisciplinary knowledge exchanges in critical analysis towards local and global issues, and creating innovative ideas to seek solutions toward them. To accelerate the impact, Cellsbutton, Yogyakarta International Media Art Festival, and YIVF, Yogyakarta International Videowork Festival, are held annually to invite local and international communities to collaborate and expand new possibilities in creative innovative practices.
source: www.natural-fiber.com
Cold Lava Flowing to the RiverCode - Mount Merapi Yogyakarta 1, Central Java, Indonesia photo courtesy: article.wn.com |
Cold Lava Flowing to the River Code - Mount Merapi Yogyakarta 2, Central Java, Indonesiaphoto courtesy: article.wn.com |
Dozens of people witnessed the cold lava of Merapi flooding River source and photo courtesy: mannaismayaadventure.com |
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